The word film is written in blue letters on a blue background.


Digital Television


Welcome to COC TV

Broadcasting Central

Start broadcasting today by copying and pasting the link to your video from YouTube, Vimeo, or Dropbox.  Click the button below and fill out the Letter of Agreement (LOA) to get set up right away.   Finally, discover the experience of controlling your own broadcast content instead of allowing social media giants to control it for you.

High Definition.

Block out the world and immerse yourself in sights and sounds through COC TV.
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Broadcast your worship assembly on COCTV.

Mac Compatible.

You will have complete access to your content regardless of how you connect to COC TV. Use your MAC computer, iPhone, iPad or other Apple devices to view your programming.
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 Watch Anywhere

You can watch COCTV anywhere and on most of your devices.  Cell phone, tablet, iPad, laptop, desktop, and on television
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A little girl is sitting at a desk using a laptop computer.


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